lördag 30 juni 2012

My input of Nature

I really need nature. As music, it is essential for this soul and body to work properly. Without it, it feels as though I am withering and vanishing. That's what happends. Slowly or fast.
And I love just looking and listening to nature, even though I haven't got very good cameras or think about how to photograph a tree. I just like to take quick spontaneous pictures, that's my thing. 
Nature itself is what makes the photograph stunning or beautiful, not me. 
So, here's a few quite new photos to go along with the music... 

Where the Hobbits live, maybe listening to some Bo Hansson or Summoning...

Some logs of birch...

I'm constantly thinking that this is just the top of a big house, 
where the underground part is occupied by someone who'd like some Darkthrone maybe...

A passionflower. We bought one of these for Veronicas mother but then we had to have one too, it's stunning.

What can I say? I just want to become a bird or fish when I see a nice lake. ;)

Grass will grow anywhere, and that thought is somewhat comforting.

Hurry on sundown...

A walk upward the tree.

Nothing can beat the sun and trees communicating.

Saw lots of snails this day, and figured it wouldn't be so bad to be one right here. ;)

The tree still survives.

6 kommentarer:

  1. You don't need one of those super high tech cameras - your pics are absolutely gorgeous. <3

  2. Fina naturbilder :) Kan det vara några från Rhododendrondalen?

    Visst är passionsblomman fin? En gammal favorit hos mig. Har haft den på balkongen säkert tre-fyra år nu. I år testade jag nåt nytt dock. Funderar på å köpa den till hösten igen bara för att ha inomhus.

    1. Tack! Jajamensan, de första är det. :)

      Absolut, och denna trivs bra inne även fast den slutat blomma nu. Den vill slingra sig runt det mesta... Köp en du igen tycker jag! :)

  3. Massa fina bilder! Jag skulle nog kunna tänka mig att bo i den där lilla stugan och insupa lite Transilvanian Hunger! :)

    1. Tack så mycket! Och ja, flytta in där du så har jag nån att besöka i skogen. :)
